Minimizing downtime was Baylis’ top priority. Not only would their new Cleanroom need to meet the highest standards for uptime over the long-term, but the actual construction process could not cause any downtime or interruptions to their current production.

Minimizing downtime was Baylis’ top priority. Not only would their new Cleanroom need to meet the highest standards for uptime over the long-term, but the actual construction process could not cause any downtime or interruptions to their current production.

This project would also face unexpected challenges as it was briefly interrupted by the COVID-19 crisis. It would also have to be completed under new COVID protocols and procedures.

“Projects often face unforeseen challenges, yet nobody was ready for something as massive as a global pandemic. We’re glad we picked ESC as our partner in this challenging time to continue the expansion of our operations!”

Jeff Wang, Senior Project Manager / Baylis Medical